Hydrafacial Treatments in OKC

hydrafacial OKC

HydraFacial is a unique, patented treatment that exfoliates, cleanses, and hydrates the skin. It is a non-invasive, non-surgical, painless procedure with no side effects or downtime.

A HydraFacial treatment has all the benefits of a chemical peel without any redness or soreness.

Most effective non-chemical exfoliation.

Visibly improved skin with immediate results and no irritation.

Skin rejuvenation with antioxidants, hyaluronic acid and peptides.

An excellent first step when combined with other professional facial treatments. It includes three steps: Cleanse & Peel, Extract & Hydrate, Fuse & Protect.

This facial is suitable for all skin types: oily, combination, dry, sensitive, and aging. It addresses a range of skin concerns, from acne, dehydration, enlarged pores, and oil-congested skin. Patients who begin recieving regular HydraFacial treatments show significant improvement in conditions like hyperpigmentation, sagginess, and uneven skin texture and notice a reduction of fine lines and wrinkles.

There is no treatment available from a medical spa that can provide as dramatic a change in the look of the face as a Threadlift (or Thread Lift). Threadlifts have filled a major role in our ability to provide dramatic anti-aging results. Med spas have relied heavily on Botox and fillers have been for years to create a softer and fuller look. But these can not replace the physical lift of a surgical face lift. Threadlifts address that need without the need for a traditional face lift from a plastic surgeon.

The advantage to Threadlift procedures can be seen especially for those who use filler for a lifted cheek structure. Often, patients who over-relied on fillers for a higher cheek would easily end up with the over-filled or “chipmunk” look. This is because fillers can not lift tissues, only fill them. Threadlift not only accomplishes the physical lift that gives jowls and cheeks a more youthful appearance, but it also produces an innovative way for your own collagen production to physically support that lift.

At Belle Âme Med Spa, we’re proud to be one of the first OKC med spas to offer this less-invasive, highly-effective, and ground-breaking new treatment to our patients.

How Hydrafacial Works

Step 1: Cleanse & Peel At the beginning of your HydraFacial, your esthetician will apply a potent Activ-4™ serum. It gently exfoliates dead skin cells to cause a new, healthy layer of skin to resurface. Your technician will then apply GlySal™ to give the effect of a chemical peel without any post-treatment scaling.

Step 2: Extract & Hydrate The esthetician then goes on to extract excess oil that has built up in the pores using an automatic suction tool. It functions like a vortex that painlessly removes debris from the skin with the exclusive Beta-HD™ serum. Then, Antiox™ serum is applied to nourish the skin, preserve moisture, and maintain skin elasticity.

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Step 3: Fuse & Protect The final step is applying nourishing solutions to the skin to saturate it with antioxidants and peptides for maximum radiance. Results can be maintained long-term with an appropriate skin care regimen and maintenance HydraFacials.

What HydraFacial is Good For


A skin condition characterized by inflamed or infected sebaceous glands. The inflammation happens when hair follicles become clogged with dead skin cells and excess oil. Acne typically manifests as pimples, blackheads, and whiteheads on the face, forehead, chest, upper back, and shoulders. Although it is most common among adolescents, it can affect people of all ages.

Oily Skin

The skin becomes oily when the sebaceous glands produce too much sebum. That often results in the appearance of acne, pimples, blackheads, and whiteheads on the skin’s surface.

Clogged Pores

Pores become clogged when dead skin cells become trapped inside them instead of falling off. The shedding skin cells stick to oil and sweat from the pores and clog them. That creates a breeding ground for bacteria that can lead to acne.

Dehydrated Skin

Skin becomes dry when it doesn’t have enough water to keep it looking healthy. Dehydration can result from poor diet, insufficient water intake, or too much alcohol consumption.


Dark spots are areas with increased melanin that can develop anywhere on the skin’s surface. Melanin is a pigment that gives color to the skin and acts as a shield from the sun. Hyper-pigmented skin patches are mostly the result of illness, injury, or acne scarring.

Fine Lines and Wrinkles

Skin wrinkles appear with age, and may be made worse by sun damage, dehydration, smoking, and particular sleeping positions. A balanced diet, limited sun exposure, and proper skincare routine can significantly reduce these.

Additional Hydrafacial Features


HydraFacial can slow down, and reverse the aging processes of the skin. Giving a vibrant healthy glow and a supple youthful appearance.

Lymphatic Drainage

HydraFacial can also help to drain stagnant lymph fluid, improving circulation and aiding the body in an important detoxing process.

Collagen Boosting

A collagen boosting serum rehydrates the skin and minimizes fine lines and wrinkles. That effect is especially noticeable in the focal areas of the face, like the smile lines around the mouth and the eyes.

Growth Factors

Growth factors play an essential role in skin rejuvenation. They are natural substances that skin cells produce to keep it looking fresh and healthy. Protein-rich cosmetic treatments aid cell-division; thus, they also restore skin’s elasticity and firmness, repair damaged skin, and support its protective functions.

Salicylic Acid Treatment

Salicylic acid helps control abnormal shedding of skin cells and the formation of clogged pores. It is an efficient peeling agent that is available in many cosmetic products that treat acne, breakouts, and blackheads.

Comedone Extraction

Your esthetician may perform additional manual extractions of individual blackheads. Gentle pressure is applied around a clogged pore and the dirt and dead skin is extracted. The result is a healthy, glowing, and blemish-free skin!


Exfoliation removes dead skin cells from the skin’s surface. It is a part of all facial treatments, including microdermabrasion and chemical peels. The results are visible at once, as the skin appears glowing, refreshed, bright, and healthy.

How HydraFacial Helps Acne

Acne-susceptible skin exhibits more severe reactions to congested follicles. The glands in problematic skin produce more oil than those in regular, making them prone to clogged pores, pimple breakouts, and blackheads.

Treating such skin solely with topical products does not yield positive long-term results, as they only partially cleanse the pores. Those products are merely effective at removing the tops of the blackheads, whereas the roots remain unaffected.

HydraFacial cleanses the deeper dermal layers more efficiently and extracts all of the congested oil. The vortex technology removes all the impurities from the dermis, which prevents acne from reappearing. The best part is that the results are visible immediately after the session!

HydraFacial: Frequently Asked Questions

What is HydraFacial?

HydraFacial is a medical-grade treatment involving the use of a device that uses water pressure with an exfoliation tip and a “vortex” or spiral suction action to clean away dead skin and debris. A chemical peel step follows for deeper exfoliation. And last, another pass is performed with pressurized treatment of the skin to infuse it with serums.

How Long Does The Treatment Take?

Most HydraFacial treatments last around 30 minutes. However, depending on the skin’s specific needs and the procedure can take up to 45 minutes. 

Is There Downtime?

No, HydraFacial requires no downtime. After the session, patients are free to resume their normal daily activities. They can apply makeup to the face and expose the skin to the sun in moderation. In rare cases, mild redness may appear, but it usually subsides within an hour.

How Many HydraFacial Treatments Should I Get?

Patients can see positive results after a single session. Clients with normal skin who want to keep it healthy, glowing, and without imperfections should repeat the treatment once every couple of months.

However, in some cases with more problematic skin, more treatments may be needed. For most patients, six sessions, one every two weeks, is usually enough for optimal results. 

Your esthetician can provide a skin consultation and will recommend how often you should have HydraFacials to maintain results.

Can HydraFacial Help With Dark Eye Circles?

This depends on what is causing the dark circles.

If the darkness is due to hyperpigmentation, then Hydrafacial may help. Hydrafacial “PERK” tips are designed specifically to treat the delicate skin around the eyes and lips.

The results can brighten the eye area and reduce puffiness. The gentle exfoliation can also help reduce hyperpigmentation.

If the dark circles are caused by shadows due to eye hollows or loose skin, Hydrafacial combined with microneedling, RF, or fillers might be more effective.

Does Hydrafacial Remove Whiteheads & Blackheads?

Hydrafacial will remove dead skin cells, loosen pores and prepare your skin for extractions but it won’t completely clear whiteheads & blackheads by itself.

If your main concern is whiteheads or blackheads, make sure your esthetician knows that and see if they can perform manual extractions as well.

They should also be able to recommend a regular skincare regimen and products for you to use at home that can help minimize recurrence.

What Serums are Included With Hydrafacial?

The signature or baseline HydraFacial includes 3 serums.

  1. Active-4 This serum contains lactic acid and glucosamine for deep cleansing and exfoliation.
  2. Beta-HD This serum contains salicylic acid and a honey extract. This offers deep cleansing to the pores and is both antibacterial to help fight acne, and hydrophilic – meaning it attracts moisture deep into the pores.
  3. Antiox-6 or Antiox-4 These serums have hyaluronic acid which is deeply moisturizing and plumps up the skin’s texture.

In addition to these baseline serums, different “Boosters” can be added to customize the experience for specific concerns such as Brightenol and BrightAlive to help with skin brightening and dark spots, CTGF to help with age-related skin laxity and wrinkles, and Rozatrol to address Rosacea.

HydraFacial Vs. Microdermabrasion — Which Is Better?

Microdermabrasion is a cosmetic treatment that uses an abrasive tip to resurface the skin. It uses vacuum technology to extract impurities from the pores. This procedure is recommended for oily and congested skin, as it can treat mild acne, dull skin, and dark spots. 

However, the abrasive tip may feel quite rough on the skin, and the patients usually complain about redness and irritation after the session. The pulling motions of the tip exfoliate the skin effectively but sometimes cause micro-tears on it, leaving it prone to inflammation and dryness.

HydraFacial, on the other hand, uses a softer cosmetic tip and vortex technology to unclog pores. It cleanses, exfoliates, massages, hydrates, and moisturizes the skin, all in one rejuvenation treatment. It is equally effective on all skin types, including those with rosacea and severe acne. 

Unlike microdermabrasion, the entire HydraFacial process is gentle and relaxing. At the end of the session, the skin instantly looks and feels fresh, radiant, plump, and healthy. Overall, HydraFacial is a comfortable and luxurious experience that provides all the benefits of various facial treatments without any of the side effects.

Can I Get HydraFacial and PRP on the Same Day?

HydraFacial and PRP with microneedling can be done on the same day as long as Hydrafacial comes first. Your tech might also recommend that you schedule a HydraFacial 7-10 days after a PRP treatment to clear up any dead skin that sloughs off post-treatment.

How Often Should I Get HydraFacial and is it Recommended for Oily Skin?

HydraFacial is great for oil-prone skin as it can clear out and remove congestion from pores.

The skin cells on our faces renew about every 28 days so ideally for regular maintenance, HydraFacial should be performed every 4-6 weeks.

If you have months or years worth congestion in your pores, however, your esthetician may recommend a HydraFacial every two weeks until you can transition to a maintenance routine.

Does Hydrafacial Cause You to Breakout Afterward?

This would be very unlikely. HydraFacial typically only improves acne.

If you are experiencing a breakout soon after receiving HydraFacial, it’s possible that for some individuals with unusually sensitive skin, the treatment could be irritating it and causing a breakout.

A post-treatment breakout might also be detox reaction as your skin rebalances, or could be caused by stress, hormones, or environmental factors unrelated to your treatment.

For the vast majority of individuals, HydraFacial does not cause breakouts.

Can I Do a HydraFacial With My Own PRP instead of a Chemical Peel?

No. PRP works by recruiting collagen to help with wound healing.

HydraFacial is a non-ablative treatment which means the skin is not broken or damaged in the process. Your PRP would be ineffective if used this way and it would contaminate the HydraFacial machine.

Better to have a Hydrafacial first, then add PRP with microneedling on afterward to achieve the best results.

Can HydraFacial be Used Instead of Botox or Injections for Aging and Lines?

HydraFacial can be used to plump very fine lines but it will not erase wrinkles or deep-set lines the way fillers or botox would.

We recommend using it in combination with Botox and/or injectable fillers for more satisfying and dramatic results.

How Soon After HydraFacial Can I Get Microdermabrasion?

You should wait two weeks after HydraFacial before having any resurfacing treatments like microdermabrasion; but we suggest that you wait for a day or two after your HydraFacial to see how you like the results before deciding on getting more aggressive.

For many people, HydraFacial is a great alternative to microdermabrasion.

Can HydraFacial Make Your Skin Dry and Peel Off?

HydraFacial is a moisture-enhancing treatment and most people have plump, hydrated, dewy skin afterward.

There is a peel component to the process though, so depending on the strength of the peel and the sensitivity of the client’s skin, there is potential for a mild peel effect afterward.

If you experience this, it should resolve in a day or two. Let your esthetician know about your results. They may decide to adjust the peel strength for your next HydraFacial.

Can I Get Botox on The Same Day as HydraFacial?

Yes! We perform this combination of treatments all the time. HydraFacial would be done first and then Botox injections afterward.

Is it Safe to Get a HydraFacial While on Accutane?

No. Accutane thins the skin significantly and would make it far too delicate for HydraFacial. It is recommended to wait at least 6 months after stopping Accutane to have any sort of even mildly aggressive facial treatment.

Is HydraFacial Safe If I Have Rosacea?

As long as you don’t have any lesions, or inflamed wounds on the skin surface, HydraFacial can be one of the best things for rosacea. Especially with the Red and Blue LED add-ons.

Make sure to let your esthetician know about your rosacea so they choose the appropriate suction level for your skin.

Is HydraFacial Safe While Pregnant?

There is no evidence that HydraFacial is harmful to either a pregnant mother or her child.

Still the treatment can be further customized to ensure that it is safe for pregnant women.

The steps with acids are skipped and more focus is paid to infusing hydration and nutrients into the skin.

What is the Difference Between Hydrafacial and DermaSweep?

Both HydraFacial and Dermasweep are exfoliating facials that deliver medical-grade results but in our experience, Hydrafacial is the superior treatment.

Dermasweep involves two applicator wands, one that is used for exfoliation and one that is used for serum infusion.

Hydrafacial on the other hand uses one wand that both exfoliates and infuses. Hydrafacial uses 4 or more passes, each of which uses powerful exfoliating suction while infusing a series of serums. It is more customizable than Dermasweep with the option of adding red-light therapy and different strength peels. Both treatments deliver beautiful results but we find Hydrafacial to offer better options and more thorough exfoliation.

Will Hydrafacial help with Acne scarring?

Not really. Hydrafacial will smooth and plump your skin which can smooth out the texture a tiny bit, but most likely won’t deliver the results you’re hoping for.

Any treatment that stimulates collagen production like microneedling is a better bet for healing acne scars. In the case of deep pits, some filler might be what’s needed. We recommend scheduling an appointment with us for a consultation so we can do a skin evaluation and design a customized plan which may include a combination of treatments.

What is the Difference Between Hydrapeel and Hydrafacial?

Hydrapeel and Hydrafacial are very similar treatments made by different companies. Hydrapeel includes hydradermabrasion, a chemical peel, and extractions.

Hydrafacial also includes cleansing and exfoliation, a chemical peel step, and extractions. Hydrafacial is a deeply nourishing treatment infusing the skin with peptides, antioxidants, and hyaluronic acid.

How Long do I Have to Wait After Hydrafacial to Have Laser Hair Removal?

As long you have no irritation or redness after Hydrafacial, you can have Laser done 48 hours later. If you do have any irritation you’ll need to wait until it is completely resolved.

Schedule a Consultation


Designing a Personalized Plan

01. We meet for an initial consultation to understand all your specific needs, personal goals and health goals before creating a plan. 

02. We design a custom and personalized wellness plan involving a single service or blend of services to meet your needs.

03. 1-on-1 attention to execute your personal wellness plan, medically-supervised treatments and tracking your progress.

"Belle Ame is my go to for any facials, peel, products! They are so welcoming and really go above and beyond to give you the best results."


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